Tuesday, November 4, 2008

How Well Can Americans Accept a Black President?

Victory at last after battling for a long time. His words, "CHANGE WE NEED", President Barack Obama, the first ever in America's history a Black-American was voted to take the stand. On the 4th of November 2008, the lives of Americans changed overnight. He won the election by 53% beating Mc Cain with 46%.

Let’s rewind back to America's 35th President that is President John-F Kennedy. Where he was assassinated in a parade. Well, he was elected as the US President but he was still killed. Connecting this to President Barack Obama, will he be caught in this situation? Voting him is one thing, but accepting him is another.
So, the question is how well can AMERICANS ACCEPT a Black-American President?


Brad said...

Hey Eelynn, it seems that three of us (You, Eric, and I) are going to be detained because of our blogs!!!! Any way, you have touched the controversial issue, but there is one thing to consider. As Larry Grain the change theorist agrees about the psychology of change, in order to impose the change there is the need of unfreezing the crowd by giving them the hard time to survive, and then the situation will be appropriate enough to impose change. Now let’s come back on this topic and try to link the theory I mentioned to the practical way of politics. Eelynn, the today’s world has been encountered to the financial crises, social disasters and so on. Violence and threats of the terrorism sponsors is looming, don’t you think, introducing the so called young, different in the sense of age and feature, and controversial fellow who his pillar is based on “change strategy” is that inappropriate strategy to assassinate him? Eelynn, believe me all the terrorists are sponsored and they got the guide line of what/how/and who is the next target. Terrorism is the dirty game to tackle the economy, politics and social believes which via its fluctuations makes the market appropriate for those who are supporting them. Now is the time to see the peace for 8-9 years for the world to let the Middle East improve it’s nuclear facilities under the supervision of so called “world’s dominant” to scratch the back of both parties, and this peace may be happened just by introducing the young, black, Muslim context fellow. So, just be careful because the next target is going to be three of us instead of Obama!!!!

Anonymous said...

Seeing from what brad is saying in his comment i don't get what is he trying to say cause first thing is first what has this gotta to do with terrorism and secondly it should be about a lack President for the first time in history and nothing about muslim or any others. this is mainly about the color issue and not religion. seeing the question is about how well can Americans accept a Black President, i would say that Americans shouldn't worry about the color of the person sitting above the government but should be thinking whether this new president would bring a change to the country or bring them further into a better future. by saying all this, i am not trying to say that all Americans will be able to accept a Black President but they have to accept cause Obama is chosen by the votes of the people and this shows that the people have their trust on him and well to the very extend i would say it has come to the age of change where things will not always stay the same and changes will be for the better and the good.

Ceasar said...

Hi! such a good thinking. this is first time that a black man became a president in America.So far i think here the Americans prove that the racism are gone.Now they can judgment with their brine.As a citizen of a country personally i will never thing where the president from he is black/ white. i will watch how he maintain the country.
Hope the American will take Obama (which known as first black president in America) positively

-=SiN=- said...

humanity is maturing; we all very lucky to live through these interesting time.

Martin Luther King jr's "I have a dream" did come true.. it only took them 232 years to make history.

I hope during our lifetime we may see it happen on our soil sooner..

nella said...

I belief that when somebody chosen as presidents or leader their always have pro and contra. Therefore, when 53% of American citizens vote for Obama, I belief that they already accept him as their president and for another 47% of American citizens who votes Obama rival, it is depends on their maturity to accept their lost because more of American citizens belief to Obama. So actually we just need to see what he will do to United States under his government.

eason said...

In my opinion, since Obama has become the president of America, they do not have the any alternatives to change but to accept it. In this case, i believe that Americans have shown that they already eliminate the racism. Anything can happen in today's world. In other words, maybe the same thing will happen in other countries, such as Malaysia. A country that full of different races.

anuar said...

America claim to be a country where there is no racism , they claim their country is run by democracy and everybody has a say on things but the truth is America is not and a lot of countries as well, If you look at America they are quite obviously more openly racist that anywhere else in the world.

You have legal racist websites such as (Dont want to mention them by name) that are based in Florida.

You have groups such as the KKK.

You also have places in Ameirca where the Whites have ranches or estates where they quite openly and legally preach about Racism.

Now the groups I mentioned clearly are at the extreme end of Racism in America, and clearly these people will not support a black (What they will clame Obama to be) President. These people legally are allowed to carry guns. Will they simply bow down for 4 years or will they take a more radical approach?

And then you have more moderate people who will claim to be tolerant but secretly will cringe at the thought of having Obama as president.

Whilst im not advocating that all white Americans are all Racist, even a tiny 1% of radical racists would equal to a figure of 3,011399 which is a large enough group to cause some real problems.So know but who knows maybe Barack Obama can prove us all wrong ?

Source from:http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=917632

Ayesha said...

"What you won't hear from this campaign or this party is the kind of politics that uses religion as a wedge, and patriotism as a bludgeon -- that sees our opponents not as competitors to challenge, but enemies to demonize." said Barack Obama, June 3, 2008


Well,the statement above shows that religion got nothing to do with politics in America.53% of American who voted for Obama are well enough showing that American trusted and accepted him.However,it also depends on how Obama make a change as he promised that could change the other 47% of American's mind set towards him.I believe that the 53% of American who voted him is because of his ability and not because of his skin color.Therefore,we will see whether the other 47% of American could be whites probably will accept him after he prove his ability to make change in America or not?I hope Obama could make it and will always make a CHANGE to a good!!!!

Anonymous said...

No bardia, i'm no target. But if anybody wanna come for me, i'm ready. you talking about terrorism, yes its real, but we won't let terrorist dictate what we do, or influence any decisions.As a US president, Barack would be a natural target,though there's a possibilty of him being hit,those people's idiotic act won't go through.
Elyn, Yes, Americans would, and have already tolerated a black president.Before Obama, many black people held important positions in the US administration, from the head of army to president of the senate.And i'd tell you this, rascism is at its dying point in the US.I know its absolutely impossible for a black brother to hols such a post in asia, but the Americans are more civilized, more culturally matured. And i'd tell you this, Barack is just the first black president, there would be many others.

cuialbert said...

Ncie topic
why Americans accept a black president in my opinion Americans need a dream to dare the economics problem and they need the new president and different with othes.
so all mericans want to become diiferent and they believe the president can change the Americans.

Srikanth said...

Yes…! Barack Obama was selected as a first black president of America. Here Ee Lynn was talking about John F. Kennedy he was killed when he was a president of America in 1963. I would like to say something about these stories John F. Kennedy was killed in 1963 now is 2008 now days most of the people are changed and they are supporting the talents and there motivation particularly American. 4th of November 2008 Barack Obama won in president election and he had about 365 chairs Mc Cain had only 173. Normally every election the majority will be one or two chairs different but this time Barack Obama had 192 chairs more then Me Cain. If the people vote for the race he could never won like this. And Im very sure next election also he will win greater then this time because Americans like the way of he is making decision to product there country and Economic.

Anonymous said...

Annuar, when did the americans claim there is no rascism in their country? And its a fact, its the most free and democratic country in the world.They are not claiming to be perfect. Yes, rascists group exists, like the Redheads, but are they accepted by the american society?
Look at the rascism in your own country. Well, for one thing, if somebody uses the 'n' word to me there, he would be prosecuted, but here....
No matter what you think of them, they are bold enough to have a black president.I doubt if there's even a black principal around here......

Ma'ruf a.k.a Murphy said...

The truth of the matter is that Obama has already been elected which means people who have voted for him are ready to accept a Black President. Lots of people have a positive thoughts about Obama, and for instance, Warran Buffett also favors Obama as he stated that even though the Republicans used to take a good care of him and other wealthy people. He supports the Democrats because they will take care of the working class people as well.
Another thing which I want to mention is that Barack Obama's "policies to tackle the current American economic situation" is wonderful..Check it out at:
Good man.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, nice question Elynn, well lets see, Barack Obama
44th President United States Of America
Its is believed that President Barack Obama will bring positive change to America, at a defining moment in its history. The bio of Senator Barack Obama reflects wisdom and experience that is essential for transforming the United States. Now is the time for America to move forward.
As an Illinois State Senator, Barack Obama developed a reputation for getting things done, as well as delivering an inspiring speech. In his compelling bio and memoirs of his youth, “Dreams From My Father,” Barack Obama demonstrated a keen awareness of how to cross the racial and polarizing divides that still define America.
From the hometown of his birth, Honolulu to his adopted hometown of Chicago, Barack Obama has been a keen observer of the American experience. Barack Obama has the insights to transform America, and the gift of speech and pen to inspire the nation. Senator Barack Obama delivered the keynote address and speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, for the first time demonstrating what a President Barack Obama can accomplish for the American people. Barack Obama can restore America’s confidence in the future at a decisive time in the history of the Republic.
Barack Obama has the potential to provide the United States with the leadership excellence it so urgently needs. No longer will America be trapped in an ill-conceived war in Iraq, a war that Barack Obama opposed from the very beginning. Barack Obama has proven that he has the judgement and skill to steer the nation on a new course towards broad, sunlit uplands.
For many, Obama represents a modern and positive image of blackness. He is a worldly, well-educated man married to a well-educated professional black woman. Another way that the race issue may ultimately work in Obama's favor is that it helps force those who are loudly critical to base their stand on his record and positions and steer clear of personal attacks that could be construed as racist.
As we all know that today America is going through recession and people needed a president who can clinch them out of this condition. Looking at the above article its seems that Barack Obama is their man. Obama’s slogan is “Change We Need”, and in correct means that is was American’s need in these circumstances, and my commented by srikkant that, Obama won by a explicit lead over maccain which shows that American’s are ready to Accept Black President.

Nooraldaim said...

Brad i dont get why you Eric and Eelynn are the next target!! Bro there more serious issues to deal with there!!!
Eelynn i actually thought about this question before even Barack Obama was elected the president of America.
If Obama was elected just 20 years back from now i think then it will be a real issue to consider. Was Obama elected the president of America because of his colour or race thats a BIG NO. Americans went through many bad times in the Bush era inside and ouside America. Americans wanted someone who could be trusted in bringing up change to America and so it was Barack Obama who was most trusted in bringing change to America. Obama had more white votings than black votings. In our world today people dont look at who is the leader, his race, colour etc. People now want to live in harmony and make the world a much better peaceful place to live in and for generations to come. Obama as we all heard about him and his excellence in many things that made him become the president.
But this doesnt really mean that there are no white racist out there who still believe in the so called 'Whites first choice' that can easily accept a black president.