Saturday, October 25, 2008

Would you agree with Abortion?

Do you know that according to The Center of Bio-Ethical Reform that the number of abortions per year are approximately 42 Million and the number of abortions per day is approximately 115,000 worldwide? 83% of all abortions are obtained in developing countries and 17% occur in developed countries.
Abortion according to the teaching of religion is wrong but do we really want to see more babies being killed or being left around at the side of the road just because pregnancy before marriage is an issue or mothers cannot affort to raise their children?
Recently in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia, on the 15th of October 2008 in New Straits Time, a 21 year old mother was caught for leaving her baby in a mosque causing the death of the baby.


Anonymous said...

Here we go again,with this issue.i'd be straight-forward.abortion isn't just bad,its EVIL & DEMONIAC.its an act where a life is terminated.agreeing to abortion means agreeing to sex without consequences,making people more irresponsible, and most kids are on the street because of IRRESPONSIBLE parents,and abortion wouldn't help the situation;on the contrary!
There are many childless families around,you can simply pass your child over to them,instead of MURDER.No civilized society permits one human to intentionally harm or take the life of another human without punishment, and abortion is no different.

nella said...

In one side I agree with what biggy eric obama said it same like murder if we do abortion because everybody have right to life and it is teach people to be irresponsible but look at the case on 15th of October 2008, that mother still give birth to her baby but it does not means that she have responsible because she did not do abortion. See ended life of her baby, the baby still died because she leaved her baby in mosque. And like what Eric said to simply pass your child in childless families, I have question. Is it that easy to pass your child to childless family or another person? And if you do not want to pass your child to another person you must take care of your child but you cannot give good life to your child.

Brad said...

Elyn, you are touching the issue which is related to the culture of the society not just the religion. Let’s just break it in this way, why there is the need of abortion? Eric has argued as the irresponsible act of parents, why don’t we just break it more and announce it as the irresponsibility of the government to teach the public instead of censoring of this issue. Have you considered to the statistics you have mentioned? 83% of abortions are occurred through the developing or it’s better to call it the third world countries, the countries which are proud of their religions. Is the religion the way to guide the public or the way to censor this issue which misleads the public? In my opinion if the practice of giving enough awareness to the third world countries under the religion circumstances will be prioritized we may encounter to the gradual improvement of the public mind sets on this issue and will give the good result in the next two or three generations as the paradigm of their culture.

Ee Lynn said...

Well, all 3 of you said that abortion is not a good act to do. I certainly do agree till a point but let us think again, there are irresponsible people out there who does not think of consequences before doing anything. The government and the society can educate them, but what about the minorities that do not take the word of the education in to consideration? Wouldn't there still be women who are pregnant before marriage?
Nella, referring to your question, I would say that most of the time young teens have abortion due to humiliation by the society. Most of the time this happends in countries that still holds their cultures strong and they do not provide welfare to single parents like the westerners.
Eric, it is easy to say that abortion is wrong, but if one were to be in the situation, at that point of time, having an abortion might be the best thing to do. Yes, no civilized society would like to kill an innocent life, but how if it is to spare humiliation from the society? Wouldn't you think that the society needs to be educated in accepting peoples mistakes instead?

Ayesha said...

Hmmm..Well,i guess this arguement is involving religion. As eric said,I also don't agree with the act of abortion. This act is banned in all the religion because it considered as a barbaric act. However, doing abortion is a selfish act of any women just to cover up their mistakes. According to nella's statement, it is true that it is not easy to pass your children to other family but will you leave the child behind alone and dying without mercy? How about the innocent child?In my opinion, there are less abortion in developed countries is because most of the teens reached maturity much earlier from education,experienced and also by using condoms as protection but in the third world countries,most of the teens are uneducated with the real world outside that it is so wild and evil.However,I believed that the statistics of rape in developed countries is much more than the third world countries.Therefore,this barbaric act is all about your desires and got nothing to do with the religion education and guidance.

Ameet said...

The question you ask is good.I dont agree with this abortion.In simple word "its killing an innocent life".Abortion is done for pre-marriage sex and for the lack of responsiveness.We have no right to kill anyone for our mistake.So we should grown up and spred this messege to our society "Stop killing innocent life".

-=SiN=- said...

Something I wrote a while back… “You Play, You Pay” is so true….
The problem lies not after…should be before~

anuar said...

In my opinion i would not agree to an abortion because for one in my religion is a sin to do an abortion , but irregardless of what my religion says as a person who are we to play god , a life is a life we can't just take it away , if she doesn't want the baby there are a lot of adoption agencies or center she give it to rather that just leave it on the roadside or an abandon warehouse or a mosque

eason said...

In my opinion, abortion is something really bad and it is a sin in my religion as well. But, i would agree with abortion. It is because that not many people has the luxury to take care of their children. Statistic shows that more and more orphan is increasing. In my opinion, it is better to have an abortion rather than give birth to their baby but not taking good care of them.

Ceasar said...

Abortion is a muder nothing else.People wil do the mistake and that kid will suffer who didn't see the light of this world. As Mr. Amit mention We dont have any right to kil an innocent life. Before stope Abortion we have to chage our mentality.

cuialbert said...

Abortion is very big and serious problem to discuss.In my opinion i dont agree with abortion,beasue abortion like murder,as we know the babys are nothing wrong the only wrong is they have IRRESPONSIBLE parents.I hope is problem can be change in future.

Srikanth said...

Here my opinion is no one have the rights to leave there child in anyway. If you cannot taker of your child then why are you creating it? Here somebody was mentioning the woman couldn’t taker of here child that’s why she left it in the mosque. I would like to tell every person if you like to own your child you have to think weather you can taker of it or not. If you can’t just forget to have babies don’t create and destroy it.

Anonymous said...

Well, looking at the issue of abortion, relying solely on reason which is a requirement of being a Deist, it becomes obvious that abortion for convenience sake is wrong. The key argument for proponents of this act is that a woman has a right to her own body. This is a true and correct statement. All people have a right to do to their own bodies what they will. However, the fetus, or unborn baby, is a distinct individual. Even though it resides inside its mother, it is a separate entity genetically. Its DNA is completely its own, and different from its mother's DNA. From the moment of conception, it is an entirely separate genetic individual. Therefore, the argument in favor of abortion on demand, or abortion for convenience sake, that a woman has a right to do as she wishes to her own body, is not applicable to the question of abortion, since the mother's body is different from that of her baby, or fetus.
Regarding abortion for medical reasons where the mother's life is in jeopardy, that should be left to the discretion of the mother, family, and doctor. It's true, the mother and the unborn baby are still two separate individuals/entities, but under these difficult circumstances, it's truly a personal decision for those directly involved. It's akin to a mother and child falling into dangerous river rapids and a family member or bystander must decide who to save. It's a terrible decision that must be made. Regardless of the decision, one life will be lost and one saved. This situation differs so fundamentally from abortion on demand, which is to kill the unborn baby for convenience, as opposed to choosing which life will be saved.
Abortion in cases of rape and/or incest should be treated the same as abortion for medical reasons. It should be up to the victim of the rape or incest what she wants to do in this rare and terrible situation.

Article source:-

Ma'ruf a.k.a Murphy said...

Ee Lynn, let me briefly state the Islamic point of view about abortion!!
Islam does not permit abortion under normal health conditions, and considers it an elaborate act of killing an innocent person, which is heinous crime under any law.
Let me briefly explain for you once again.
(1) Abortion could be allowed for a lady's health sake, and that too when properly suggested by some responsible specialist/physician.
(2) Under normal health conditions, and particularly when the foetus is developed enough (that specialists consider it a live body), abortion amounts to deliberate killing and therefore, not allowed.
(3) Abortion or even prevention of conception for fear of economic hardships, is the negation of the basic article of Islamic faith that God is sole Provider and Sustainer of every living soul. That being the reason, the act will be un-Islamic.
(4) Seeking abortion for no "good" reason at all, and saying that the "mother" or "father" just does not want that baby - is inhuman and cruel thinking. No sane person would allow that.
(5) If even the conception is the result of extra-marital union or forced rape, abortion is not allowed, because the (innocent) baby to be, has the right to life, that can not be denied. The biological parents - both or either one - or else the society/state is responsible to take care of such "un-wanted" or illegal births.
Authentic specialist (medical) opinion can be obtained to ascertain if there was any serious danger to mother and child, and that there was really no other way to save the mother’s life, but through abortion. That seems only one condition, where abortion could be considered, again under the guidance of some learned scholar of Islamic Law. I am personally so scared about this issue of “abortion at demand”, that I generally flatly refuse to subscribe to the idea. The reason is that women (and at time husband as well) demand abortion for petty reasons, that only reflect inhuman anti-natalist mood. I am almost sure that in over-whelming cases the demand emanates from social taboos, the base-less economic fears, for not wanting to have a she baby and by way of fashion that has come along with the western concept of individuals’ rights and worldview. In a traditional Islamic society where alien culture is yet not dominant, the demand for abortion, or desire for a small family and the like, are still at the minimum level. Probably those areas provide genuine cases, where consideration was possible.
On the issue of euthanasia, Islamic position is that since a human being does not owns and masters his/her life, therefore, he can NOT decide and ask for death. No. The Islamic view starts from the fact that life (like the rest) is a trust from Allah, and can be terminated by Allah alone. There can be no euthanasia, whether with "dignity" or otherwise.

Nooraldaim said...

ABORTION!!! This topic is talked over and over again changing laws forward and back again.
Let me start by saying we are human beings that are born with brains to be used. We are not animals or any other creatures. As far as i know that abortion is against any religion if i may not be mistaken.
I entirely diasagree with abortion. Dont tell me it was a mistake or a coincident come on use your brains, your actually murdering and innocent child. Yes mistakes are made but if we allow abortion then trust me the number of abortions will definitely increase and people will come and say it was a mistake. So that also means the number of mistakes will increase.
I would like to just point out to Eric that there are not many childless families around who want to adopt a child and cant find. There are way too many childrens around with no families.